GT elektronik GmbH & Co. KGSchlörstraße 3
D - 92507 Nabburg
Phone: +49 / (0) 9433 / 24 13 -0
Fax: +49 / (0) 9433 / 24 13 -99
Registration office: Amtsgericht Amberg
Registration number: HRA 1491
Partner liable to unlimited extent: GT elektronik Verwaltungs GmbH
Registration office: Amtsgericht Amberg
Registration number: HRB 784
Managing Director:
Thilo Grundt | Andreas Lanzl
Sales Tax Identification number (according to §27a Sales Tax Law): DE133821418
Layout / Coding:
Medieningenieurbüro Manntau Nabburg
Liability: Despite of careful screening of contents we do not accept any liability whatsoever for the contents of external pages pointed at by internet links. The content of linked internet pages is the sole responsibility of the respective site operators.