News & Dates
PCIM Europe 2024

PCIM Europe in Nuremberg in 2024 will take place a little later than usual, not in May, but from 11 to 13 June 2024.
GT elektronik will be represented again, and as in 2023 at the same location: in hall 7 at booth 452.
We are looking forward to the personal and professional exchange with known and new customers and suppliers.
Feel free to contact us for free visitor tickets and to arrange an appointment.
Website of the trade fair:
Visit to Nabaltec in Schwandorf
Networking | Valuable exchange between companies
Exchange in a professional context, especially between companies, not only forms the basis of our economic life. It also offers the chance to perceive topics from a different perspective and to share experiences.
Last week we visited Nabaltec AG! The Schwandorf-based chemical company with 500 employees was - like us - awarded gold by the local Alliance for Family for their family-friendliness.
Thanks to Nabaltec for the insight, especially to HR manager Regina Glaser, the prospective commercial manager Michael Birzer, CEO Johannes Heckmann and production manager Roland Nusche, who gave us a very close look at the milling and sintering of granulates; we know the challenges that a manufacturing industrial company has to face and found the exchange on the different approaches to personnel policy very valuable!
Thanks to the Alliance for Family, especially to the initiators of the initiative, Helga Seitz-Dobler, Helga Forster and their colleague Claudia Klee, whose work makes this exchange on family policy possible.
Thanks to the representative of the press, Thomas Dobler, for the photos he made available to us.
PCIM Europe 2023

PCIM Europe in Nuremberg will take place this year from 9th to 11th of May 2023.
GT elektronik will be represented in hall 7 at booth 452.
We are looking forward to the personal and professional exchange!
Website of the fair:

GT elektronik will be exhibiting at electronica from 15 to 18 November 2022.
The world's leading trade fair in Munich is a welcome opportunity for us to exchange ideas with familiar and new customers.
You can find us at the joint stand of Bayern innovativ, in hall B3, booth 530.
Homepage of the trade fair:
PCIM Europe 2022: We'll be there. You too?

10.05. - 12.05.2022
GT elektronik is going to join the PCIM Europe 2022 (10th until 12th of May in Nuremberg).
We are looking forward to professional and personal exchange, and we hope that it will be possible live. It would be great to meet in person again and there's hope for spring 2022.
Stay tuned! And let us know, if we can do something for you in the meantime.
#powerelectronics #semiconductors #pcimeurope #inductivecomponents #goodtoseeyouagain
2. Bayerisch-tschechischer Innovationstag

Yesterday we exhibited our ip sensor at the 2nd Bavarian-Czech Innovation Day. It was interesting!
(Our ip sensor measures power, energy, current, voltage and frequency of individual consumers in low-voltage systems and - this is special - can be integrated modularly into existing hardware and software. This is how we enable our customers to collect, manage and improve data in a targeted and easy way).
A great product and a great opportunity, for which we would like to express our sincere thanks to the organizers from the Regensburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Upper Palatinate district, as well as the Horsch company.
Visit us!

This week, we will meet many people at PCIM Europe 2021: Acquaintances and new customers and suppliers, perhaps future employees and trainees who are ready to face challenges with us. We are looking forward!
Since the fair is digitally set up, you can visit our all-new equipped booth from anywhere in the world without traveling.
PCIM Europe 2021 - We'll be there!

03.05.2021 - 07.05.2021
PCIM Europe, THE trade fair for power electronics, will take place digitally and we'll participate.
We are even building our digital stand a week in advance, on April 27, and are looking forward to a lively exchange.
#powerelectronics #semiconductors #pcimeurope #inductivecomponents #lookingforward
Company holidays from 24.12.2020 untill 06.01.2021
With 2020 coming to a close, we wanted to take the time to wish you happy holidays and a happy new year.
Our office is closed from 24.12.2020 untill 06.01.2021.
We´ll be back on 07.01.2021.
Cancellation PCIM Europe 2020

we at the GT also deal responsibly with the critical Corona situation (Covid 19) and have therefore decided to cancel the participation at this year's PCIM Europe 2020 fair. We extremely regret, that we are not able to participate in the fair as we have in recent years, but the safety and protection of our employees and colleagues is our top priority.
We hope to be able to participate in the PCIM Europe 2021 fair again next year.
Until then, the GT wish you all the best and health above all!
Fusion of GT with subsidaries at 01.04.2020

We have the great pleasure of informing about the fusion of our subsidaries
- alttec GmbH
- gutre GmbH
with the parent company
- GT elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
at 01.04.2020.
The merger of the companies allows us to bundle our expertise even better under our umbrella brand GT. This enables us to use the resulting synergy effects and optimize internal processes.
PCIM Europe 2019 - a very successful and interesting fair

PCIM Europe 2019 took place from 07.-09. May 2019 in Nuremberg.
This leading fair for power electronics was enormous successful for GT elektronik. At the new located and designed booth, a lot of new contacts to many customers could have been made and our experts answered a lot of technical questions.
The complete GT-Team wants to say "Thank you" for visiting our booth.
Look forward to the Exhibition-Highlight PCIM

From 07.-09. May 2019 the PCIM Europe, the international leading exhibition for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management takes place in Nuremberg.
GT firmengruppe will present its newest developments and trends in Hall 7, Booth 338.
The daliy changing Fair-Team is looking forward to your visit!
Successful exhibition days at PCIM Europe 2018

Interesting conversations, new contacts and old acquaintances: GT firmengruppe can look back on a successful PCIM 2018.
More than 10.000 visitors were informed from 5th to 7th of June 2018 in Nuremberg about latest trends of power electronics. For the 7th year in a row, GT firmengruppe presented its products to an international audience at its own booth.
"We`ve recognized a significant increase in highclass contacts and concrete demands. The interested industry-specific visitors were especially impressed by iPSensor, the base module for industry 4.0.", Thilo Grundt, HCEO of GT elektronik, takes positive stock and adds: "We`d like to thank all of our customers and anyone interested for visiting our stand!"
Great Response at ELECRAMA 2018
This year, GT Electronic India Pvt., member of the GT group, participated again in the ELECRAMA trade show (March 10th to 14th) in New Delhi, India, with its own booth.
The ELECRAMA is held biennially and it`s one of the largest trade shows for electro technology in Asia.
The trade professionals were very interested in the various product spectrum of GT Electronic India Pvt.
We`d like to thank all of our customers and anyone interested for visiting our stand!
Outstanding Award for GT Electronic India
From over 800 suppliers, Siemens India selected GT Electronic India for the "Best Overall Performance" Award.
In a ceremonial ambience during an energy management vendor meeting, this award was handed over to the managing director of GT Electronic India, Mr. S. Senthilkumar.
All members of GT group congratulate to this amazing success!
Fundraising after house fire
A blessing in disguise has Sudha M., employee at GT India.
Sudha and her 2 kids lost her home and all of their belongings in a devastating fire, but luckily remained unharmed.
To allow Sudha a new start, the management initiated a fundraising within the company GT India.
Totally they collected 67000 INR, approx. 850 €.
GT Germany wishes the best for Sudha and her children and wants to thank the whole staff at GT India for their impressive social commitment.
Christmas party with honours

At the annual Christmas Party from GT firmengruppe the management and emplyees looked back on an eventful and busy year.
On this festive occasion Mrs. Bettina Troidl and Mrs. Rita Giehrl were honored for 25 years with the company.
Mrs. Karin Neukam and Mr. Lothar Gebbert gone into well-deserved retirement.
The management thanked them for their longstanding cooperation, commitment and loyalty and presented them gift hampers.
One Day Trainee

Within the German-wide project "Reinforce youth - 1000 chances", many companies opend their doors at November 22nd 2017 to give 14 young students with an escape attempt the chance to become familiar with different training professions and companies.
Ms. Lisa Weber, second trainee year as an industrial clerk at GT elektronik, welcomed Mr. Surafel Adamasu Bekela (23, Ehiopian) and showed him her tasks as trainee.
Surafel was impressed and hoped, that it`s possible for him to start a commercialn training, soon.
We`d like to thank Surafel for his interest and Lisa for her commitment!
World of Electricity at ELECRAMA India
From March the 10th to 14th 2018 the ELECRAMA, the flagship showcase of the Indian Electrical Industry, takes place at New Delhi.
GT Electronic India, member of GT firmengruppe, exhibits in Hall 3, booth H3C23.
We`re looking forward to the exhibition and to your visit!
Move of the development-center of GT firmengruppe

Extension underlines growths path of GT firmengruppe
Matthias Hecht, CEO of Sycomp GmbH, is very pleased about the new premises. "We`ve reached the limits in Dachau. The requirements concerning equipment and workplaces grew significantly, that`s why we have to look around for a new location," explains Hecht.
Besides the central location in the Bavarian capital Munich, the technical and infrastructural features tiped the scales for the new premises.
The new address is:
Sycomp GmbH
Hohenlindenerstr. 1
81677 München
Tel: (0)89 2620970-80
Fax: (0)89 2620970-99
Focus on Quality and Environment– at GT group not just a flash in the pan
Successful conclusions at DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 Audits
Customers from GT elektronik are convinced since a long time from high quality of processes and especially from GT products. Since 1996 GT elektronik passed successfully all Re-Audits because of continual improvement of all quality relevant processes. After an intensive Audit from an independent institute, the implementation of the high ISO-Standards 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 was again approved and certified.
alttec GmbH, member of GT group, fulfilled all demands and manifests its strength at quality management, again. So alttec GmbH was re-certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, what demonstrates the impressive engagement for its customers and partners.
GT firmengruppe with GT elektronik again

In recognition of outstanding achievements GT elektronik has again achieved the award Preferred Supplier from one of the most world-wide leading technology group.
Because of this honor the number of the suppliers is automatically reduced and so the worldwide cooperation is restricted to the selected ones.
The strict criteria for evaluating the suppliers are quality, technology, delivery reliability, productivity, price behavior and continuous enhancements.
“The repeated award Preferred Supplier is the result of outstanding achievements of our entire team, and it`s also a promise from this Global Player to keep on working closely with GT elektronik. We`d like to thank all committed employees for what we`ve achieved together”, said Mr. Wolfgang Häckl, Technical Managing Director.
Look forward to the trade fair highlight of the year!

electronica, the world`s leading trade fair for electronic components, systems and applications takes place from 8th to 11th of November 2016 in Munich.
Visit GT firmengruppe at the joint stand from Cluster Mechatronik & Automation in Hall B1, Booth 538.
GT elektronik
- Customer specific inductive components
- State-of-the-art and efficient production in own plants in Germany and India
- Complement Standard-Products
- Distributor business
- Special solutions for coils and magnetic coils
- Access to additional markets and nearshoring-production possibilities
- Development from measuring transducer solutions
Trade-Fair-Highlights at electronica 2016:
- Customer specific inductive components and SMD components for Measurement Control Technology, Power Storage and Medicine
- iPSensor - "Intelligent Powersensor" // Component for Industry 4.0, scalable Embedded solution for Measurement via Modbus Energy-Monitoring, preventive maintenance, Service
We´re looking forward to your visit!
Information about standardisation of used tapes
Because of the standardisation in our sourcing and the downsizing of our storage areas, we will replace gradually all beige tapes by yellow tapes.
This standardisation affects all tapes from width 4mm to 38mm.
We won`t change our supplier, so quality and used material remain the same.
If you have any questions, please contact our sales team:
Great Response at ELECRAMA 2016

This year, GT elektronik participated again in the elecrama trade show (February 13th to 17th) in Bangalore, India,with an own booth at the "German Pavilion".
The elecrama is held biennially and it`s one of the largest trade shows for electro technology in Asia.
The trade professionals were very interested in the various product spectrum of GT elektronik.
We`d like to thank all of our customers and anyone interested for visiting our stand!
Severe flooding in Southindia
After heaviest rain since years, more than 3 million people have been cut off from basic services in the southindian federal state Tamil Nadu. More than 250 people have already died.
GT India, situated in the affected area Chennai, decided to help as a part of social responsibility and helpfulness. Our staff at GT India donated their daily wages and with this money, badly needed things like drinking water and food could be bought, and so 200 people from the most affected villages could be provided.
The following pictures show th GT India relief campaign.
Christmas donations from GT elektronik

We don´t want just to talk about social engagement, but act.
Like every year we`ll give a charitable donation instead of christmas presents for our business partners.
We`ll donate for:
- a family in Nabburg, who lost everything because of a housing fire
- the working group "Asylum Nabburg/Pfreimd", who stands with its volunteer commitment for welcoming culture and charity
- "Kinderkrebshilfe Oberpfalz Nord", who subsides families with children, suffering from cancer
- "Kinderarmut in Deutschland e.V.", who helps families with very difficult life situations buying christmas presents for their children
Elecrama 2016

GT elektronik will attend the second time from 13th to 17th of February 2016 the German Pavilion from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology on the ELECRAMA.
This important exhibition for energy engineering, electronics and communication technology is the perfect forum to present the high quality products from GT to the international trade professionals.
ELECRAMA will take place from 13th to 17th February 2016 in Bangalore, India.
You can find us in hall 2, booth number H2P3 at the German Pavilion.
We look forward to to your visit!
Positive response for GT group at PCIM

PCIM Europe 2015 ended with a new record of visitor numbers.
Almost 9.000 visitors attended the show to gain latest developments in the field of power electronics.
The joint both of GT elektronik, alttec, gutre and Sycomp, under the roof of GT group welcomed a large number of visitors.
We like to thank all the interested visitors and customers for lots of stimulating and informative meetings.
See us again 2016!
Sales Representative Conference at GT firmengruppe

From 3.-4. December 2014 GT firmengruppe invited their sales representatives to the headquarter in Nabburg, Germany.
We focused on the detailed presentation of the independent companies in the group, the mutual exchange of experiences, and last but not least to strengthen the cooperation between the sales representatives coming from all over Germany and Switzerland.
The event was rounded off with a tour through all companies and a dinner in cosy atmosphere.
We would like to thank our guests for joining us, for the interesting and instructive conversations! We´re sure, that the meeting really helped us ahead.
gutre GmbH belongs to GT firmengruppe

With effect from 15. September 2104, parts of the insolvent company Gutre Elektromechanik GmbH were integrated in the GT firmengruppe. The portfolio of the new gutre GmbH is an ideal strategic addition for the strong GT firmengruppe, who will expand further its position on the international market for wounded-goods.
GT elektronik is certified for its integrated quality and environmental management

VDE Testing and Certification Institute GmbH confirmes after a detailed on-site inspection the certifications by DIN ISO EN 9001 and DIN ISO EN 14001
Since many years GT elektronik is certified for its quality and environmental management. This year the re-audit was certified on the basis of an integrated management system. The integrated management system (IMS) summarizes the methods and instruments for the compliance with requirements in the fields of quality and environment into a common structure. With this certification we`ve submitted the verification, that our products go hand in hand with the guidelines of quality management, are matching the high environmental claims and are produced with sustainability and responsibility.
Big celebration with ceremonial key delivery

On the occasion of its 30th anniversary GT elektronik organized a big summer festival at its headquarter in Nabburg. Also, the new administrative wing was officially opened at the same day.
More than 180 employees and invited guests enjoyed the warm summer night with Bavarian and Indian delicacies and Live Music.
Successful Days at PCIM Europe

True to the motto "We´re transforming Power into Quality", the GT Group presented itself on the PCIM Europe from 20th to 22nd of May in Nuremberg.
On the joint stand from GT elektronik, alttec and Sycomp there was a great rush of well-informed experts. Many high-class talks were held and promising business contacts to companies all over the world were etablished.
We`d like to thank all of our customers and anyone interested for visiting our stand!